[News] Club rides postponed until further notice

As of Thursday 31st December 2020, the New Forest (Which includes 3C Cycle club) is now in a tier 4 area. This unfortunately means that club rides will be cancelled until further notice.

There has been some guidance for individual riders from British Cycling which can be found here: https://www.britishcycling.org.uk/about/article/20200512-about-bc-news-British-Cycling-Updated-Coronavirus-Guidance-0

The piece which will be most relevant to our riders is “Staying active is important, and those living in Tier 4 areas can continue to cycle – however they must either do this alone, with members of their household/bubble or with one person from outside their household/bubble.”

We will be in contact as soon as we know when club rides will restart, looking forward to seeing everyone back out on the road.

Stay safe, look after each other and please reach out if you are struggling

The 3C Committee